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The Worlds First VPK 42 FingerPrinting(Ayurvedic Metabolic FingerPrint) Most Powerful AI and ML Based IoT Technology

Pre-Booking Offer

34000/- +18% GST

Be among the first to experience the future of health monitoring. Pre-book now and avail exclusive offers before 31st July 2024


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Introducing Docture-Poly™- Exclusive Event for First Adopters

Welcome to the future of personalized health monitoring with Docture-Poly™, your personal health advisor. Docture-Poly™ assesses your Vata, Pitta, and Kapha - unique metabolic fingerprints by collecting your biological signals, seamlessly integrating ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern AI and ML protocols for healthcare automation.

       Key Features of Docture-Poly™
·       Non-Invasive VPK 42 Fingerprint Technology: Unlock your wellness potential with advanced VPK-42 Fingerprinting Technology. Provisional diagnosis rules out signs and symptoms based on the VPK 42 Fingerprint.
·       Dietary Regimen: Receive tailor-made dietary plans that nurture and harmonize your doshas.
·       Physical Fitness Regimen: Customized exercise plans are designed to consider your unique constitution and requirements.
·       Yoga and Pranayama Regimen: Engage in carefully crafted yoga asanas and pranayama practices aligned with your VPK doshas.
·       Supplement Regimen: Benefit from personalized supplement plans catering to your specific nutritional and health needs.
·       Non-Invasive Blood Biochemistry: Estimate levels of Random Blood Sugars, HbA1c, and Lipid Profile.

Disclaimer: Docture-Poly™ does not replace the expertise of doctors and laboratories, nor does it provide medical advice.

Organized by: Sai Ganga Panakeia Private Limited.